Learn about Rooster Chinese Horoscopes 2010,Rooster 2010 Forecast,Rooster Traits 2010
Rooster Borns: (1909, 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993. 2005, 2017)
Best Rooster Compatibility: Dragon, Ox, Snake
Worst Rooster Compatibility: Rooster, Rabbit, Dog
Rooster Positive Traits: Romantic, Motivated, Brave
Rooster Negative Traits: Boastful, Blunt, Resentful
General Rooster Chinese Horoscope 2010: According to Rooster Horoscope 2010, Rooster people will have an average Tiger Chinese Year 2010.
There are chances of the Rooster people to have conflicts with Dogs, Rabbits and Roosters in the Tiger Chinese Year 2010.
Rooster Horoscope 2010 also predicts that these people will have to face some serious competitions in their career life in the coming year ahead.
Rooster Borns: (1909, 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993. 2005, 2017)
Best Rooster Compatibility: Dragon, Ox, Snake
Worst Rooster Compatibility: Rooster, Rabbit, Dog
Rooster Positive Traits: Romantic, Motivated, Brave
Rooster Negative Traits: Boastful, Blunt, Resentful
General Rooster Chinese Horoscope 2010: According to Rooster Horoscope 2010, Rooster people will have an average Tiger Chinese Year 2010.
There are chances of the Rooster people to have conflicts with Dogs, Rabbits and Roosters in the Tiger Chinese Year 2010.
Rooster Horoscope 2010 also predicts that these people will have to face some serious competitions in their career life in the coming year ahead.
Wishing Good Luck to all Rooster people in 2010.
thanks for this horoscope