Learn about Ox Horoscopes 2010,Chinese Ox 2010 Forecast,Chinese Ox Astrology 2010, Chinese Ox Traits 2010
Ox Borns: (1901, 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009)
Best Ox Compatibility: Monkey, Rabbit, Rat
Worst Ox Compatibility: Sheep, Dragon, Horse
Ox Positive Traits: Patient, Confident, Eloquent
Ox Negative Traits: Eccentric, Petty, Prejudice
General Ox Chinese Horoscope 2010: According to Ox Horoscope 2010, Ox people will have an average Tiger Year 2010.
There will be chances of Ox people getting in conflict with Horse, Dragon and Rams in the Tiger Chinese Year. In the Tiger Year, Ox people can expect some serious competition in their career.
Ox Chinese Horoscope 2010 also predicts that these people will have to be more careful about their health. These people are going to get nice study opportunities in 2010.
Wishing Good Luck to all Ox people in 2010.
Ox Borns: (1901, 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009)
Best Ox Compatibility: Monkey, Rabbit, Rat
Worst Ox Compatibility: Sheep, Dragon, Horse
Ox Positive Traits: Patient, Confident, Eloquent
Ox Negative Traits: Eccentric, Petty, Prejudice
General Ox Chinese Horoscope 2010: According to Ox Horoscope 2010, Ox people will have an average Tiger Year 2010.
There will be chances of Ox people getting in conflict with Horse, Dragon and Rams in the Tiger Chinese Year. In the Tiger Year, Ox people can expect some serious competition in their career.
Ox Chinese Horoscope 2010 also predicts that these people will have to be more careful about their health. These people are going to get nice study opportunities in 2010.
Wishing Good Luck to all Ox people in 2010.
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